The importance of having Women in Leadership in our organisations

Introduction African nations, Zimbabwe included, are in the beautiful dawn of self-determination, reorganizing business and politics, and rebuilding the economy. They are on the unfolding way to digitalization, increased productivity, modern infrastructure, economic glory, gender equality, prosperity, industrialization, and realisation of human rights. This has to happen at family, community, organisational, national, regional and continental […]

The Advisory Nature Of Human Resource Practitioner To An Organisation’s Leadership

This is the first of 2 instalments which will demonstrate the nature of human resource department duties that would otherwise overwhelm an organisation’s leaders were it not for the presence of a Human Resource Practitioner (HRP) among them to advise, attend to and address matters that affect the human resource. The purpose of leadership in […]

Invitation Letter To The Interview

Calling prospective employees to an interview is usually the last task in the recruitment exercise. The Human Resource Practitioner (HRP) has a responsibility of ensuring that letters inviting applicants to an interview are carefully written and include information that is not ambiguous to both the applicant and the human resource department. Applicant or prospective employee […]

Role Of Human Resource Practitioner In Discipline At The Workplace Part 1

This is the first of 2 instalments of the write up on this subject.  An organisation cannot achieve its goals with undisciplined employees working for it. Undisciplined employees at the workplace have no respect for organisation’s assets, peers, subordinates or superior officers. They are disobedient to established rules, systems and orders. When operating, equipment they […]

Practical Nature Of Staff Motivation

A lot of theories abound about motivating staff but if they are not implemented and done so   correctly it would be a waste of time. Unmotivated employees cannot be expected to perform optimally. The responsibility of motivating staff lies with management with the Human Resource Practitioner (HRP) providing training and advice on the matter to […]

Senior Hrp Responsibilities That Enhances Business Stabilty (2)

This article is a follow up on the same topic that was published in the issue of this newspaper for week 14 to 20 October 2021. The writer herein presents additional senior human resource practitioner (SHRP) responsibilities and duties. He/she will also expand on “communication” which was featured in the last issue. Responsibilities and duties […]

Human Resource Practitioner And Conflict At The Workplace Part 2

This article is part 2 on this subject. In the first article, we explained that conflict for our purpose means the same as dispute and that the Cambridge English Dictionary defines “Dispute” as “An argument or disagreement, especially an official one between, for example, workers and employers”. It is the causes of this conflict or […]

Capitalizing on Remote Working Investment to Improve Productivity-Zimbabwean Situation

The coronavirus pandemic has brought several significant changes on the market. Organizations were laden with unnecessary huge costs. The costs, in some situations stretched the organizations’ resources, hitting straight into revenue base. Some of the costs related to canteen, fuel, airtime, data, subsistence allowances, hotel allowances just to mention a few. Just after lockdown, some […]

If you don’t challenge yourself, you will never realise what you can become

In a recent radio interview marking International Women’s month, Hon. Monica Mutsvangwa shared how she ran away from school and joined the liberation struggle at 15 years old. It reminded me of another female freedom fighter, former Vice President Joyce Mujuru, who coincidentally was taught by my father in Mt Darwin before she joined the […]

Glass ceiling and the corporate ladder

Glass ceiling and the corporate ladder The glass ceiling phenomenon has been there since the 1970s, though not as part of the cultural lexicon. Glass ceiling is defined by Oxford Languages as the presence of undetectable barriers that keeps an individual from moving up the corporate ladder. It is barriers to professional advancement of women […]