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Admissions & Programs

Exemptions Policy

NB: There are no exemption at Higher Diploma

Admissions & Programs

Application For Exemptions

The IPMZ Diploma is a practical vocational and professional qualification which contains relevant information and skills to the fields of Human Resource Management, Human Resource Development and Labour Relations. The academic approach to the subject matter in a university degree, for example, would not totally equip the individual for practical purposes in working life in human resource management in the same way the Diploma aims to do in this regard, not all subjects are exemptible.

  • Only students who have passed subjects at tertiary level may apply for exemptions
  • Only subjects examined by formal academic institutions such as universities, technical colleges or recognised professional bodies are considered,
  • The Examining Board must be recognised by IPMZ and accredited by the Ministry of Higher & Tertiary Education (MoHTE) or equivalent if it is foreign.
  • The Examinations and syllabuses must be comparable both in standard and content. IPMZ exempt syllabus with 90% content.
  • Subject exemptions must be applied for on the official IPMZ Subject Exemptions Form and must be accompanied by: Citified copies of detailed academic transcript (indicating subject names, actual percentages/or an explanation of symbols) and syllabi for all the subjects applied for exemptions.
  • Exemption fee(s): Exemptions will not be recorded until the student has paid the exemption fee(s)
  • The Application will be decided by an exemptions committee which shall sit at least once a quarter. The Committee is made up of three members from the Public Relations, Education and Research Committee, one member of Council outside of PR & Education and the Director of the Institute. The Vice President PR and Education will chair the Committee or an appointee in his absence. The members will form a quorum. The decisions of this Committee will be final. Only appeals on account of law will be entertained.
  • A total of 50% of the 14 subjects can be exempted at Diploma level. However, it has to be noted that there are seven subjects per Diploma which cannot be exempted.
  • Exemptions are done subject to subject and core foundational HR subjects especially the subjects listed below are not exemptible.

The Diploma in Human Resource Management (Dip HRM)– Non exemptible

The Diploma in Human Resource Development (Dip HRD)– Non exemptible

The Diploma in Labour Relations (Dip LR) – Non exemptible

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