A critical commentary on the Labour amendment act No 11 of 2023
The importance of having Women in Leadership in our organisations

Introduction African nations, Zimbabwe included, are in the beautiful dawn of self-determination, reorganizing business and politics, and rebuilding the economy. They are on the unfolding way to digitalization, increased productivity, modern infrastructure, economic glory, gender equality, prosperity, industrialization, and realisation of human rights. This has to happen at family, community, organisational, national, regional and continental […]
The importance of having equal numbers of Women in Leadership in our organisations.
Introduction African nations, Zimbabwe included, are in the beautiful dawn of self-determination, reorganizing business and politics, and rebuilding the economy. They are on the unfolding way to digitalization, increased productivity, modern infrastructure, economic glory, gender equality, prosperity, industrialization, and the realisation of human rights. This has to happen at family, community, organisational, national, regional and […]
The Face Of A Leader

There is always a mode of execution that separates effective leaders from the generality of the population. The leader is the person who excels in their field and not necessarily the one with a position or title. There is always a mistaken notion of equating leadership with title or position. It is said that an […]
The Application of CDH (Courage; Discipline and Humility)

My mission is simple. I want to help successful people realize their full potential through courage, discipline, and humility (CDH). Successful coaches apply the CDH in coaching. Some self-reflection shows what type of a coach you are or want to be. Every coach should be aware of his or her identity, who they think you […]
Employees Who Work Remotely Are More Productive-Gallup

It is important to give credit to the efforts by government in trying to fight the pandemic. Since the first declaration of the pandemic, we have seen increased efforts by government and other key players to put measures intended to minimize the spread of coronavirus. Some of the citizens including employees have been jabbed up […]
Leadership Is Action Not Position

(Noah Mangwarara) ‘Give me a place to stand, and a lever long enough’ said Archimedes, ‘and I will move the world.’ Leadership is not a passive effort taken merely to align to circumstances; it demands radically challenging of the status quo for the betterment of an institution. It is proactive assessment of the proceedings with […]
Leadership Coaching Lessons business can adopt: Game Of Sport

It takes time to have a strong bond within the team. It requires lots of energy, time, commitment, and resources for the team to be efficient and effective. The team starts producing results after a while and after trying and failing. Even for English Premier Leagues, grinding results does not come cheap. There are lots […]
Glass ceiling and the corporate ladder

Glass ceiling and the corporate ladder The glass ceiling phenomenon has been there since the 1970s, though not as part of the cultural lexicon. Glass ceiling is defined by Oxford Languages as the presence of undetectable barriers that keeps an individual from moving up the corporate ladder. It is barriers to professional advancement of women […]
If you don’t challenge yourself, you will never realise what you can become
In a recent radio interview marking International Women’s month, Hon. Monica Mutsvangwa shared how she ran away from school and joined the liberation struggle at 15 years old. It reminded me of another female freedom fighter, former Vice President Joyce Mujuru, who coincidentally was taught by my father in Mt Darwin before she joined the […]